Hello! I'm Kristen.

I Help Military Spouses Thrive, Not Just Survive.

Helping Military Spouses leverage their power to coordinate the chaos of military life is what I do. Empowering Military Spouses to bring security & stability to their families so they can thrive is who I am.

FREE Virtual Webinar: November 2, 2022

6:30-7:30 CST

How To Use Your Brain To Maximize Profits

My mentor and partner, Dr. Alok Trivedi, is putting on an amazing VIRTUAL webinar to help you learn how to unlock the power of your brain to maximize your profits?.

During this FREE, mind-blowing 🤯 webinar, he will reveal the proven scientific process to rewire the neurological chains that are choking your bank account and pushing money out of your life.

He’ll cover things like…

👉 The TWO hidden neurological “money” systems (and how to rewire them so you can hit RECORD levels of revenue)

👉 Why so many people are living in massive amounts of fear and stress and how it’s REPELLING money away from them

👉 How to use your mind to MAXIMIZE profits (without working harder, longer, or using a new strategy)

👉 Why science PROVES that limiting beliefs about money do NOT exist (and what is actually holding you back from having the income and wealth you desire)

And SO much more...

If you're ready to learn and take action, then save your seat below!

👉 It starts on Tuesday, November 2nd from 6:30-7:30 CST. Click here to sign up: https://ns327.isrefer.com/go/nov2/a2414

Dr. Trivedi has spent 27+ years of studying the human mind and helping thousands of entrepreneurs, athletes, and CEO’s achieve record business months and thriving relationships...and it will work for you too!

Coordinating the Chaos!

The pursuit of balance is a fleeting state of being, but adopting the adaptable skills of coordinating all the chaos is a craft that will take you from one stage (or season) of life to the next. Living mindfully and with intention will allow you to prioritize what's most important for YOUR life. This is a journey of endurance, remembering that you can't help anyone else if you can't help yourself. Whatever led you to this site, I pray you get something from it. And remember to pay it forward by passing it along to someone else who might be in need of some inspiration or guidance.

In Chaos and Gratitude,



The military lifestyle is not for the faint of heart! While there are amazing benefits & elements to it, there are also aspects of it that are lonely, unpredictable, chaotic, & deflating. Hitting the reset button every few years with a PCS also has its benefits & drawbacks. Maintaining a stable & secure home for our families can be a full-time juggling act, often leaving us feeling stuck & lost. Sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction.

  • Inner Clarity

  • Marriage

  • Parenting

  • Trauma

Health & Wellness

When we don't take care of ourselves, our ability and capacity to take care of others is not sustainable over time. Neglecting our health creates an internal battlefield of chaos that can manifest itself in our external environment as well. The military lifestyle adds additional elements to juggle which can make it difficult to prioritize our own health. Sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction to get back on track.

  • Stress Management

  • Sleep Hygiene

  • Nutrition

  • Exercise


Do you feel trapped? The word "freedom" can be desired in so many different capacities. Life can be chaotic in general, but the military lifestyle adds complexities that can strip us of our time, money, sanity, organization, etc... It's easy to blame this lifestyle and feel like our choices are limited while we sacrifice so much. However, sometimes we just need a little push in the right direction.

  • Time & Money Management

  • Organization

  • Financial Security

  • Travel & Experiences


...and create balance in all areas, from health to finance to parenting to marriage, and so much more!

The "Self-Mastery Blueprint" is coming in 2023!

Are you looking to completely

change your life??

Join us at one of our LIVE EVENTS for a completely transformational experience.  Spend time with world-renowned personal development coach, Todd Campbell, his team and 100+ like minded people. Don't miss this once-in a lifetime opportunity.


About Me.

I'm Kristen. A blessed Wife, Mom of two boys + two fur babies, Military Veteran, Military Spouse, and survivalist of a chaotic life.

I wasn’t always coordinating the chaos. In fact, about 10 years ago I was in a very stressful job, trying to juggle the military lifestyle while barely keeping my head above water. After having my first child, I was exposed to the reality that I was not a good example to him of how to live a healthy lifestyle. After years of simply “surviving”, I finally put the pieces together and changed my life to where I’m now thriving. Now? My passion is sharing what I’ve learned – the good and the bad, helping other Military Spouses discover another way of life. When I’m not curating content or developing future courses that will help take military spouses to the next level, I can usually be found laughing with my husband & kids, or catching up on my favorite shows.

In Chaos and Gratitude,


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1004 Commercial Avenue #2055, Anacortes, WA 98221

Copyright 2022 Coordinated Chaos LLC All rights reserved